Established 11 Dec 1997
Genuine English Pub Experience
Volgens de BBC "De meest authentieke Britse pub op het Europese vasteland"
De Volkskrant
Twice a month on a Wednesday night at 21.30hrs - from September to June every year since 1998
- the only place to be is here because it's Florin Pub Quiz night!
The first and still the best authentic English Pub Quiz in Utrecht with your one and only host MR BALLS!
Get your team together - there's no limit from small to large - to test your knowledge and teamwork skills!
With an emphasis on fun and team enjoyment the Florin pub quiz is a fantastic way to spend an evening with friends.
Who knows? You could win one of the amazing prizes on offer every quiz from bottles of whisky to Bluray box sets to tshirts to Playstations
or Xbox's to jugs of beer or bottles of wine to even the infamous Furby toy!
For just €1 a person your team could top the Yearly Florin Total Ranking chart and become season winners.
Not convinced yet? Check out the films below and accept no imitations.......
SEASON #27 (2024 -2025): QUIZ DATES ARE:
Quiz 491 - September 11th 2024
Quiz 492 -September 25th
Quiz 493 - October 9th
Quiz 494 - October 23rd
Quiz 495 - November 6th
Quiz 496 - November 20th
Quiz 497 - December 13th
Quiz 498 - December 20th - XMAS SUPER QUIZ!